Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sick Week

This post is late because I wasn't sure where to break the post since the weekend was pretty big, with the start of Keira's fall break and my race.  I decided to just post here from M-F (up to when we left), and then will do the whole "Fall Break" as one post.  We didn't do a ton during the week, but since Soren was sick, we really didn't do too much.  He spent a lot of time sleeping on the couch, and that was very cute.

On Monday, I got Keira off to school and then when Soren woke up, I realized we would not be going to the gym.  Soren was worse today than Sunday, so it was a very good idea that we kept him home yesterday.  He woke up coughing so hard that he threw up in the kitchen. 

We spent the day at home, and then when we got to Keira's ballet, we remembered that it was the parent viewing class.  We dashed home and got out the DSL to take some video of her routine.  It takes forever to upload, so once I upload it to Youtube, I will post it here.  I did take a few still pictures.

Soren fell asleep on the couch, and had to be moved upstairs to bed.

On Tuesday, we decided to take Soren to the Dr.  It took a bit of time on the phone with the insurance company to get everything figured out, and we cancelled our playdate for the afternoon since Soren was sick.  We did get a stroller run completed.

On our way back from the dr, we took a little drive on Old La Grange Road to check out the scenery and see how far it went for running purposes.  It is really pretty, and I am thankful I can run there.  It isn't quite as big as Kensington, but it will work for doing long runs.   I hope it is plowed during the winter.

Since it was such a nice fall day, I did have the kids pose for some pictures in front of our house and up at the entrance of our sub.  I am glad I did it today since it wasn't too bright, and the mums don't look nearly as pretty anymore.  Soren was pretty grumpy to start, but had fun by the end.

On Wednesday, we had yet another day at home with Soren still sick.  We went for  a run in the stroller while Keira was at school.  Soren fell asleep on the couch this afternoon, and Keira went over to Gracie's house to play and help keep them apart. 

On Thursday, Soren was finally feeling better.  We got up and I went for a run, but it felt super hard. My time was not fast, and I just felt like I was working so hard!  Looking back, I realize this was the start of me getting sick.  Soren was well enough at this point to go play at my visiting teacher's home so that I could go to Keira's school and have lunch with her.  This week was National School Lunch week, and today was the day I could eat with her to celebrate it.  Thankfully, they were serving breakfast for lunch, so Keira had a whole grain cinnamon roll, but that was about it that she would eat.  I ate her sausage, oranges, and my own baked apples, eggs, and cinnamon roll.  It was pretty tasty, but a bit heavy for me.  I chatted with Debbie a bit when I went to get Soren.  He had a blast and didn't want to leave.  We stopped in Peewee Valley on the way out to see the caboose to help coax him out.

On Friday, we spent the morning getting ready to get out of town.  I got everything packed up and then we went back to see the caboose with Soren in his train outfit.  He was doing a ton better.  I, on the other hand, did not feel as well as I should 2 days before a race. 

Ryan came home from work and we spent some time getting things loaded and ready to head to Michigan to start Keira's fall break.

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