Sunday, July 31, 2011

Moving Day!

With the apartment and all the back and forth and trips here and there, it felt like the move was very long and drawn out, but this week, it was really official, for REAL this time!  We did a lot of work this week getting the house ready, moved out of the apartment, and into our home!

On Monday, I did a short swim workout at the gym before heading over to the new house to work on cleaning the bathroom and preparing it to be painted.  We also had the house measured today for new carpet, and the washer and dryer delivered.  I also worked to get as much from the apartment packed up and ready to go.  The kids seemed to enjoy playing at the new house, even though they didn't have any of their stuff yet.  They had fun on their new playground.

On Tuesday, we went to the gym for a quick workout, and then to the Pottery Barn storytime.  The kids really enjoyed the structure of the activity.  We also earned our coupons today and did some browsing/shopping for items for the new house, as well as played by the fountain.

We headed over to the house again to work on getting the kitchen cabinets cleaned out and all ready for our things to arrive.  We ended up staying over here all afternoon and then met up with Ryan at Home Depot to make our carpet order, and then I hit up a Bed Bath & Beyond for more shelf liner and a shower liner, and then back to Pottery Barn to get a shower curtain and nightlight with our coupons. In the meantime, Ryan worked really hard on the bathroom painting.  I took the kids back to the apartment to put them in bed and pack up the apartment.

Wednesday was moving day!  We got everything out of the apartment fairly easily and over to the new house to wait for the truck to arrive.  The kids were very excited about the arrival of the truck.  It was really really hot, and not a fun day for the movers.  It was slow going as they unpacked our things.  I took the kids to McDonalds to lunch to get them out of the way while Ryan stuck around.  They got everything in and the furtniture assembled by late afternoon.  Initially, they had thought they would unpack today, but opted to return tomorrow.  We had dinner at Hometown Pizza in Crestwood tonight.  It was really good, and hit the spot.  After the movers left, we worked on unpacking ourselves and got the beds made.  I also got the playroom mostly unpacked, and Ryan got our new TV stand built, as well as our new couches. We were able to spend the night here tonight in our own beds.  

On Thursday,  the movers returned to unpack.  They mostly unpacked the kitchen items and the china.  This was because it had so much paper trash and work to get each item out, as well as they stacked neatly in piles while they waited to be put away. Ryan handled getting the TVs and computers ready for the cable installer to arrive.  It seemed strange to me that we were able to get our laptop connected to the internet but not our desktop, since it was not wireless.  A return trip was required by the cable guy. I  was actually able to cook dinner on Thurday and eat in our new home.

On Friday, Ryan returned to work I stayed in most of the day, working on unpacking more things and getting things organized.  We stayed in, because we thought the cable guy was coming back today.  The kids had a blast playing outside in the sprinkler.  The lawn is pretty dry, and needs some major help.  We had dinner in again.  Tomorrow, there was a neighborhood yard sale, so I spent some time going through things from our storage unit that we didn't have time to sort prior to packing.  I am so glad I did this, because I found a missing piece from our old TV stand.  It was unusable without this piece, and it had fallen into this box (which I packed and wasn't fully sealed) during transit.  I am so glad I went through all of these things!  Had we not had this yardsale coming up, who knows how long it would have taken for me to go through those boxes.  I know that I would not have checked them for this part, since I packed these, not the movers.

On Saturday, I spent the morning watching the yard sale.  It was hot, but we brought in a bit of cash.  We sold a few large items that we had not been able to get rid of before the move, so I was very happy about that.  I made a bit of money on children's clothes, but most people wanted everything for free, so that was a bit irritating.  I was sick of haggling and the heat, so once the dresser was picked up, I packed everything up.  Ryan got the lawn mowed and went for a mountain bike ride at a trail pretty close to here.  That evening, we had to hit Bed Bath & Beyond again for some rugs, and then had dinner at 5 Guys Burgers.  It tasted so good since we hadn't really eaten much all day, and then had some Graeters ice cream for dessert.  Yum!

On Sunday, we had a quick breakfast of whole wheat waffles and fruit before the Elder's Quorum presidency stopped by for a visit with us.  It was nice to chat with them.  We then headed to church.  The kids enjoy our new ward, as do we.  It is awesome living so close to the church building, and we are meeting more and more people that also live in our neighborhood.  We are super happy with our home so far. 

Up for next week, more and more unpacking, as well as meeting Keira's kindergarten teacher.  I can't believe how quickly the start of school is happening.  I will be doing back to school shopping for her supplies this week!  I am also hoping to get back to working out.  I signed up for the Detroit Half Marathon, so I need to get back in the swing of things.

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