We had big expectations for this week. Unfortunately, many of the plans we had for last week were either cancelled or postponed due to illness.
On Monday, we celebrated Valentine's day. Keira had her valentine exchange at school. After school, we meet up with Ryan at Boston Market for a lunch out. We thought that would be a bit easier than dinner out.
On Tuesday, we got a slightly later start on purpose, to avoid the 9am gym class that isn't working out for me anymore. No one did it today, so I did feel a little bad. I did a tempo run today that felt decent, and then had a little time for some spinning. I skipped the trainer last night being Valentine's day. After the gym, we went present shopping for all the birthday parties we had planned for this week. However, no sooner than I got home from shopping, I received an email stating that Brendan was ill, and that his party had to be moved to March. Poor little guy. At least Keira understood and wasn't as upset as I though she would be.
On Wednesday, while Keira was at school, I took Soren to the gym to meet up with Cristina. We did a short swim workout, followed by a short spin, and then the track run. It was fun to do a mini sprint tri indoors. That evening, we had our taxes done and yea, we will be doing better than we expected this year. We did play outside for a little bit, though.
That night got very bad, though. Keira woke up around 11pm, before we had even gone to sleep, throwing up. It was a rough night for all of us. I eventually just slept in the bathroom with her. The morning came too quickly, and Keira was so sad that she wouldn't be able to go to Lorelai's party. She didn't really eat anything most of the day, but didn't throw up anymore. We stayed inside all day, miss the surprisingly warmer temps. By the end of the day, she seemed a ton better, which was great. She was up and playing in the kitchen, pretending to be a ballerina.
On Friday, we went ahead and let Keira go to school. She ate a normal breakfast and really wanted to go because they were having a pizza party as part of the letter P day. Cristina wanted to try a core fitness class, so I planned to have another short swim and do the class with her. It wasn't a very exciting class, and I don't think I will do it again unless another friend of mine wants to try it with me. After class, we had time to hit McDonalds (ironic, right?) since Cristina had her boys with her too before getting Keira. I ate Keira's kids meal for her since she doesn't eat the food anyway and they had Barbies. I couldn't not get her one, especially since the party she missed yesterday was Barbie themed.
Here is Keira's pizza she made at school:
Once Soren woke up from his nap, Keira wanted to have a "picnic" outside, meaning eat bread and crackers on a blanket in the yard. It was too wet to be in the yard still, so the porch had to do.
We had a dinner out as a family at Noodles and Ryan picked up his truck from his parents house. He had picked up their mustang when he drove Kris to the airport on Wed night. It was a good thing he got it then too, as he got sick with the same thing as Keira that night.
On Saturday, I ended up taking both kids to the gym to keep them away from Ryan. I was able to get in my 12 miles, just barely, before my time was up. I am glad I didn't need to run farther. He didn't have to go to church cleaning; the families went last night so that was great, but he was supposed to give a talk on Sunday. He would be unable to do that. I also took Keira to Adam's birthday party that afternoon at Pump it Up. Keira and Soren had a blast.
On Sunday, Ryan was feeling a bit better, but still not well enough for church. The kids were really tired and wild, so I made them lay down for a bit. Soren didn't sleep, but Keira did before church, and I was able to get in a bit of rest too. I was teaching the Relief Society lesson today on Work and Personal Responsibility. It went really well. When we left church, it was super snowy! The drive wasn't terrible, but I wished I had the truck. I am glad we had it at home, though, and didn't have to worry about getting it today. We had a relaxing evening at home.
Keira figured out that she could fill up her dress with air if she sat on the register. It was pretty funny to see her. Soren thought she looked like a pillow and kept trying to lay on her.
Soren kept asking to watch "up the balloons". It took me longer than it should to figure out that he wanted to watch the movie, "Up". There wasn't a ton of time before bed, but we let them watch some of it.
More crafts:
The goal for next week is to get and stay healthy!
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