Monday was a pretty light day. It rained, so we were indoors for about the whole day. Keira took the opportunity this week to wear her new dresses/clothes she received for Easter.
Tuesday, was another cold, damp day. We didn't have any music classes to attend, but did make it out to the mall for a bit while Ryan was at scouts. We were able to see Haley while she was working at the Gap, which made it more fun.
Wednesday was the start of the beautiful weather. For lunch, I finished up the last of the Easter eggs, with Soren trying to eat his and turning his face quite blue. Keira was upset when I took hers out of the shell and couldn't put it back.
After the egg drama, we went outside so Keira could ride her new BIKE! She had a blast, and when Ryan got home he worked with her as well, teaching her to turn herself. I was able to go for a run by myself because it was still too wet for the mountain bike trail for Ryan.
Thursdays was spent running around making preparations for the upcoming party. Linda called at the perfect time, and we met up for lunch in the middle of doing the errands. I was so glad she called, because I was dreading going back out again (I had to stop home between meijer and costco to put things in the fridge/freezer), but a good lunch out with her was more than enough incentive to get it all done. We also hit costco together. That evening, we all headed over to Maybury so that I could meet up with Jessica for a run and Ryan could ride the bike trail. I ran with the stroller at Maybury, which is a huge challenge due to the hills. Jessica got a huge kick out of hearing Keira tell me to run faster. We were both happy to run into Michelle once Ryan finished, and were able to hand off the kids to him to do an extra mile or so with her.
I spent Friday prepping for the party, getting as much food ready as possible in advance. Keira also was able to ride her bike again.
Once Ryan got home, we all headed back to Maybury for another ride/run. I was able to make it 3 miles of the hills with only a few breaks to walk. I wanted to run hard today because I wasn't certain of if I could do anything on Saturday due to the party. Keira started heading up the hiking trail on her own!
Saturday was incredible busy. Ryan got up early and went out to ride with the Wolverines to Ann Arbor and back. They are at their summer start time of 9am now. While Ryan was gone, I finished up some of the food and cleaning, and then took Keira and Soren to church for the baptism of two girls from Primary. This was not so easy to do with both Keira and Soren and no Ryan. We made it through the baptism and confirmation, but after 3 different head bonkings on the bench for Keira and Soren getting hungry but not eating at church, we had to bail before the full program was over. We got home just in time for Ryan to arrive, and he got cleaned up while I got Soren fed and happy, and then while Keira slept, I was able to sneak out for a quick ride at Maybury. It was amazing how much better this ride went than last week! I think my body remembered how to do it this time, and I was also in such a huge hurry that I couldn't stress about being scared and was able to shave 7 minutes off my time from last week. I walked in the door and Ryan asked me if I did the whole train, to which I responded "yes, and I even bought a bag of ice on the way home!". I hurried and got ready for the party, which was really fun. I can't believe we didn't take any pictures. It was a bummer because since it was a candle party, we had a ton of beautiful candles lit and displayed in the kitchen. Keira loved it, and was a great help setting out the tealights and votives. It was fun to catch up and just have a little get together with some good food as well. Thank you to Linda for her salad and desserts, and Lisa for her picante dip! My parents came up just in time for the party, and my dad hung out with Ryan during it.
Soren conked out in the kitchen amidst his toys while I was finishing up the food prep for the evening.
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