This week we did a lot of fun activities around our area. Farmington was having their Founder's Day Festival and there was also the Garden Open House at Tollgate in Novi.
On Monday, we went to the Library for Soren's age group Storytime. Since we are only supposed to go to one per week, we will probably go to this one so that he can be more engaged. Keira enjoyed it too. We also say that Keira is in some of pictures playing in a side show at the library. Christina posted the images here.
I also had a great find today. Our neighbors were getting rid of this cabinet and had set it by the dumpster, so we got it for free! I had been wanting to get something to put in our kitchen for the toys for the kids that they need to play with at the table and not on the floor. It cleaned up pretty nicely. I spent the afternoon organizing, and it felt great.
On Tuesday, I had a presidency meeting that took up the bulk of the morning, and then Soren napped in the afternoon. Keira wanted to wear her track suit today, and thankfully it wasn't as hot (but it was still pretty warm) so she didn't totally roast in it.
Soren was dressed a bit more sensibly today since he doesn't get to pick out his clothes yet. He got a hair cut this afternoon, so here is is before shot. He was pretty scrappy.
Here are some "after" shots. It is like he aged a ton with just the haircut.
On Wednesday, we had a pretty full day. We started the morning at the gym, and then we had a little bit of time between my workout and Keira's ear recheck at the Dr's office, so we went to the mall to get more handsoap. No trip to the mall is complete without a stop at the playarea. Fortunately, Keira's ears looked fine.
That evening, Cristina and I got in our own brick workout prior to the TIA dinner at Bonefish. Ryan rode with Kent while I took both Keira and Soren to the dinner. Since Keira and Soren are usually such good eater-outers, I figured it would be a breeze. Unfortunately, we started off with a tantrum from Keira because we were eating outside, and not inside. It was a really nice restaurant, so I am sure they did not want our loud sweaty crew inside. She was also upset that they did not have chocolate milk. Fortunately, once I got both Keira and Soren set up with some crayons, the rest of the meal went smoothly. We went without issue until it was time to leave, and then Keira decided that she wanted to go to the bathroom again because it was very fancy. We live only a mile away, and I did not want to have to bring everyone back through the restaurant again, so that caused another tantrum. The food was great. Hopefully Ryan and I can go back for a date night in the future.
On Thursday, we had our first day of fun in Farmington. We went to the Heritage Splash Park so I could do my visiting teaching. We met up with Diana and her two girls, and Deborah, with her 4 boys. Keira and Soren had a great time, as well as all the children. Shannon was supposed to come since it was her birthday, but we were unable to get it switched.
On Friday, we went to the Farmington Founder's Festival with Shannon and her 6 children. We had a really fun time. We spent most of our time at the children's area. The Ann Arbor Hands on Museum had an exhibit set up, which everyone enjoyed. There was also an act from the Barnum and Bailey Circus Clowns. Soren was very afraid, but he didn't cry. He "hid" in the stroller. These clowns were really good. They were funny and they had real talents such as juggling and balancing acts. We also stopped by the Detroit School of Rock booth where Soren had a blast with the drums and keyboard.
We also went to Maybury that night. I didn't run, but Ryan biked. Keira and Soren were able to play the whole time Ryan rode.
Saturday was another full day for us. It was really hot today. Ryan rode with his group, and we went to the MSU Tollgate Garden Open House. It is a farm that is only a couple miles from our house. This open house wasn't as big as their fall open house, and focused mostly on quilting and their flower gardens. It was really beautiful. Keira and Soren loved playing in the little toll gate in the children's garden, and there were lots of frogs. We also took a walk to see some of the animals they have on the farm.
Once Ryan was home, it was my turn to workout. I went to Kensington and did a 14 mile run. It was so hot. I drank two entire camelback bladders of my waist pack, as well as finished an entire flask of Hammer Gel. It was a good run, and I averaged just under 9 min/mile, which was fantastic considering the heat. I had a few cooler sections in the shade, more than I would have if I would have stayed here to run. We finished off the night with some pizza and then went to Dairy Queen. It was a very good day.
On Sunday, there was this cool spiderweb on our back patio in the morning.
We went to church as usual. Soren went to nursery, but was still a bit upset about it. Keira was supposed to give a talk in Primary and was very excited about it, right up until she had to speak. She ran up to the podium, and then wouldn't say anything. I gave it for her, which was fine, and a bit expected.
After church, Soren and I took big naps. I woke up just barely in time to make some cookies that are a copycat from my favorite NYC bakery- Levain's. They turned out great! This isn't their recipe, but I found it linked to their page. I am not sure which one anymore, I copied it into a word document, and saved that, not the actual page. Email me if you want the recipe. I probably cooked them a little longer than Levain's, just because the airbake sheets seem to have longer cooking times, but next time around I will keep them more to the minimum time.
Once they were out of the oven, we woke up Soren and headed over to Kris and Lindas for dinner with Ellyn and the cousins. Keira and Bryn have so much fun playing together.
Next week is shaping up to be another really busy one. I have my second T-Rex triathlon on Wed, and Ryan and I are both competing in the Tree Farm Relay on Saturday.
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